Traits Hiring Managers Look For
Managers and employers are continuously finding ways to adapt to the changes in the workforce. With millennials making up most of the workforce, companies are noticing a shift in technology advances and understand to keep employees productive – the employees must be happy and satisfied in their roles.
With that said, managers consider the ever-changing dynamics of the workplace when bringing in new employees. Companies realize it has been an employee-driven market, and the balance of power has shifted from the employer to the employee.
What Managers Look for Today
When it comes to hiring the right candidate, employers consider many aspects. Skillset being the most important. However, when ten candidates possess the minimum skill requirement, how do hiring managers decide one person is more suitable than another?
So, on that note, let’s look at a few qualities managers look for aside from the core skill sets:
A Good Fit
Every workplace has a culture, and anyone who does not fit in will not perform well regardless of how skilled they are. Before considering an applicant, managers want to ensure they are indeed a good fit before anything.
With the high employee turnover rate in today’s market, the word ‘commitment’ is almost strange. Despite this fact, hiring managers look for candidates who promise to be the most committed.
So, how do hiring managers know you can fully commit to a role?
Employers look at work history for stability. If they notice lots of job-hopping on a resume, they get the impression that the candidate cannot commit to one position. Regardless of skill, a hiring manager will choose commitment over talent.
Team Player
No matter how skilled and talented you may be, if you show signs that you are not a good team player, the hiring manager may be forced to look for other options. Managers look for candidates who can work well alone and with others.
A person is said to be a person of integrity when they can be trusted and taken at their word. No manager wants to employ someone who cannot be reliable. Your team should be able to trust you implicitly. If there is any indication in your records to the contrary, most managers will pass.
Willingness to Learn
Arrogance does no one any good. While you may be very skilled at what you do, you must be humble enough to know no one is the sole custodian of any skill. The willingness to accept the opportunity to grow your skills further and learn more is characteristic hiring managers seek.
Enthusiasm and Positivity
The enthusiasm you show for the job, and your general outlook on life can work for or against you. Managers love workers who show enthusiasm for their work and who are positive-minded. Rather than giving up at the slightest setback, you see the silver lining or the opportunity in the situation. Positive outlooks and eagerness is a trait any manager will love.
How to Impress Your Manager
Now that you know what a manger looks for during the hiring process, let’s look at ways you can impress your manager once you’re hired on:
Good Communication
When you are working in an organization, how well you communicate with your team members and the manager is critical. The first thing you need to learn is responding quickly to messages from your manager (or any other team member). Do not allow messages to stay for hours without replying to them. At least acknowledge receipt and then give a proper response later. When working on projects, communicate updates regularly to your manager, even if they do not ask for it. This way, they know you are actively working on projects, and they appreciate the updates.
Forward thinkers are always appreciated. Thinking ahead and presenting solutions to problems before they even occur will surely earn you a special place in your boss’ heart. You can only achieve this if you are continually thinking of ways to improve your work.
If they expect you to be there, be there on time! Being punctual is a sign that you are reliable and dependable.
Make Meaningful Contributions
Always make meaningful contributions during meetings. When participating in team meetings, sitting quietly, and not making any contributions does not show you to be interested or to be a part of the team. The ideal manager will love to get suggestions and fresh ideas from you.
Accept Corrections
You must be able to handle criticism well. Listen to corrections and ask questions for suggestions on how you can do better. Your manager does not expect you to know everything. Understanding this and showing you are ready, even eager to learn, will put you in good stead with any manager.
No matter how tough the employment market is, some people will still do better than others. It is merely a function of their understanding of what the employer wants. The same goes for the already employed. Be intentional with your actions, take the steps listed above, and you will find things working out a lot better for you.